Use "shot him|shoot him" in a sentence

1. Gonna be an advisor, you know- - shoot him, him and him.

2. She shot an angry glance at him/shot him an angry glance.

3. Did you shoot him before or after you untied him?

4. The only way to stop him was to shoot him.

5. Get down or I'll shoot him!

6. They did shoot him in the back.

7. The senator threatened to whip him, and Chaney shot him.

8. Shot him in cold blood.

9. Give him a stimulant shot

10. I shot him point-blank.

11. If I hadn't shot him, you'd be dead instead of him.

12. He shot him in self-defence.

13. She shot him a sideways glance.

14. Tod's grandfather taught him to shoot a rifle.

15. She shot him an incredulous look.

16. In the end they shot him.

17. John liked him because he was a nervy guy and would go out and shoot anybody who John wanted him to shoot.

18. Mary Ann shot him a rueful look.

19. Shoot me, Martin gets shot.

20. They shot him down in cold blood.

21. She shot him look of pure hatred.

22. She shot an angry glance at him.

23. He shot him in the fucking head.

24. Avaricious farmers hunted him with shot-guns

25. I shot him in the fucking head!

26. (OF II) CHARLES JAMES LEVER So he dared him to shoot, calling him all manner of names, and Blackguarding him roundly.

27. Uh... uh, Fritz says it's okay if you shoot him.

28. When Papa tried to intervene, Chaney shot him.

29. The doctor gave him a shot of morphine.

30. She claims she shot him in self-defence.

31. Jack wouldn't shoot so long as he'd got hold of him.

32. And whoever did this shot him at close range.

33. Nobody'd kill Joe'less they shot him in the back.

34. The shot missed him, but it a close shave.

35. 8 A sharp pang of guilt shot through him.

36. Tell him to hit me with his best shot.

37. Someone came along and shot him in the face.

38. It belonged to a nester but somebody shot him.

39. Some lunatic came into the store and shot him.

40. If he wanted to shoot him, It wouldn't have been here.

41. As Jacob later said, “the archers [Joseph’s jealous brothers] kept harassing him and shot at him and kept harboring animosity against him.”

42. I should have asked him for a shot of penicillin.

43. The attendant ran, and Jonʹa·than shot the arrow beyond him.

44. Must be some big shot, everyone is waiting for him.

45. 18 The sentry on duty shot him through the head.

46. If there's one more shot, I shoot you.

47. He'll shoot anybody who wakes him up unless the building is on fire.

48. Why do you always shoot him? He is not the No.1 escapee.

49. Yeah, I shot him in the back or in the front.

50. Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles' heel and killed him.

51. Some of his classmates soon shot ahead of him in penmanship.

52. He grabbed the hooligan and shot him out of the door.

53. Maybe we should give him another shot, just to be sure.

54. Just because I shot him does not mean I trust you.

55. So I shot him in the eyes, and I took it.

56. Andy Cole's U-turn gave him the space to shoot high into the net.

57. Um... we haven't talked since I shot at him, covering your ass.

58. 1 They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle.

59. We could have went to his house, shot him in his home.

60. Weren't much older than Button when I shot him in the throat.

61. You only shot him once he was already on the ground, dead.

62. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me.

63. I shot him with a small revolver I keep near my balls.

64. 21 B : Sure, I saw him there acting like a big shot.

65. Some one shot an old farmer and lifted him up and dumped him in a well and tossed in a grenade.

66. Seo attempts to shoot the suspect, but Park stops him and lets Hyeon-gyu go.

67. That cop was just asking for my license, man, you didn't have to shoot him!

68. If I hadn't stepped in front of Turkey, you would have shot him.

69. I went out to Charlie Blanche's ranch and I paid him the money I owe him so he won't shoot me in the fucking face.

70. I shot him in the lip last August over at Winding Stair Mountains.

71. They shot him down, right there in the middle of the main street.

72. 6 If it weren't for the children she'd leave him like a shot.

73. And the shot that killed him. Was it fired from his own gun?

74. 24 He watched the plane release the glider and the glider shoot up silently above him.

75. It's mean what the captain's doing to Mr Hawks, making him shoot at his Indian friends.

76. Peeta directs Katniss to shoot Cato's hand, enabling Peeta to throw him to the beasts below.

77. Some asshole waves a toy gun in the air and forces the cops to shoot him.

78. Bege shot Pekoms, causing him to fall off a cliff into shark-infested waters

79. When the police finally caught up with him, he shot himself in the head.

80. Another tentacle shot out like a whip and coiled around his throat, choking him.